Monday, January 11, 2016

A Redo (Sterling #6) by C. M. Owens

Allie Thrash 
Wren Prize is the asshole who got me pregnant seven years ago. And gave me a false name. And walked out of the hotel without a backward glance. Sure, I know I wanted to have sex just as much as he did, but I didn't want to be tossed aside like garbage the second it was done. I also wasn't planning to get pregnant. Now, after seven years of hating the jerk, I'm living in his city, because it's a small world and I found him by accident. Yes, I realize how crazy that must sound, but my luck is just that bad. The problem is, the Wren Prize of today is not the Wren Prize I've envisioned castrating all this time. And I hate that I can't hate him the way he deserves to be hated. In fact, I'm terrified I might just be stupid enough to be falling for him. 
Wren Prize 
A daughter. I have a daughter. And I've missed over six years of her life because I decided to go for the world's biggest jerk award. I'm supposed to be the cool-headed one, the mature one, the one everyone goes to for advice. Yet I'm the one who fucked up the most. Sadly, I don't even remember that night. Too much fun, too much sun, and way too much booze. It's hard to ask for a second chance when you don't even remember the first chance you had. And every time I'm around Allie, even when she's casting me glares that prove she wants me dead, I can't help but wonder what that night was like. Well, what it was like before I ruined her.
My thought:
this book was one of the most heartfelt books. when i read this book i felt that i was in the book my self. there is so much that happens. i was also rolling on the floor laughing so hard. i really enjoy this story i could read this book over and over again. i truly recommend this book.

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